Zole: I just like that page Googlewar
Super Zole: Have you seen that?
Steven Cloud: no
Super Zole: http://www.googlewar.com/
Super Zole: Enter two keywords, whichever gets more hits wins
Super Zole: And you can see what other people are entering
Steven Cloud: oh cool
Super Zole: Like, let's see
Super Zole: "steven cloud" vs. "boy on a stick and slither"
Super Zole: 1,070 vs. 6,400
Steven Cloud: ha! cool!
Super Zole: Looks like your comic is calling the shots now!
Steven Cloud: shit man. i'd better start being nice to my comic.
Steven Cloud: pee beat poo
Super Zole: Well, sure - it's #1
Super Zole: I think that'll be my first and last pee joke
Steven Cloud: haha!