| steven cloud's family fun page!

elizabeth+spring     Malicious Fetus: less than a month to the b-day, i need to start planning my surprise party

Steven Cloud: how old are you turning?

Malicious Fetus: 21
Malicious Fetus: full on twenties

Steven Cloud: woo-hoo! drink up!

Malicious Fetus: alcohol = verboten

Steven Cloud: it tastes bad anyway

Malicious Fetus: youre just saying that cuz i cant have none
Malicious Fetus: it wouldnt be so popular if it wasnt delicious

Steven Cloud: it's not delicious. it just gets you drunk.

Malicious Fetus: and drunk is good because it removes inhibitions and makes social interaction more easier, yes?

Steven Cloud: exactly.
Steven Cloud: but don't over do it. otherwise you'll vomit.

Malicious Fetus: its a small price to pay!

Steven Cloud: it really is.



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Steven L. Cloud