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Pijohos: http://www.my-tgif.com/gods_billboards.htm
Pijohos: i want to make my own, but mine would be awesome.

Steven Cloud: such as?

Pijohos: Sinning is Hella Lame - God
Pijohos: I love everyone, even faggots and jews - God
Pijohos: All you have to do is believe Christ died for your Sins and you get TO LIVE FOREVER JACKASSES - God

Steven Cloud: hahaha

Pijohos: I could zap you with my omnipotent laser eyes. You are all lucky i am a benevolent god. - God
Pijohos: No war for Oil - God
Pijohos: ( i threw that one in for you)

Steven Cloud: thanks.

Pijohos: Why does heaven rule like a motherfucker? Free moon pies, I'm serious. - God

Steven Cloud: hahaha

Pijohos: Current mood : forgiving Listening to: John Mayer - God

Steven Cloud: you are good w/ these.


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Steven L. Cloud