In school I read books and learn about many urban schools that are like
hers. There were very few textbooks, a constant revision in faculty. The
No Child Left Behind Act is a horrible act for schools and actually leaves
children behind. If a school is considered really poor they have 4 years
to get their act together. If they don't meet the requirements in the
first year they make massive changes. Same with 2nd-4th and if it still
doesnt work, they close the school. Massive changes take more than a year
to take effect.
Cloud: right. bush said he was going to be the education president. think
of all the schools we could have fixed with the money we've spent on occupying
Cananopie: yea, more like the "defense" president. What was
that bill? 300something billion... on DEFENSE
Cananopie: And then my mom is a nurse. Luckily she's an RN... she works
at a county home. She says that LPN's (a step below RN) HAVE to work overtime
daily and if they don't they're fired even though the state is so desperate.
Cananopie: ever single day, 5 -7 days a week working like 16 hour shifts.
Cananopie: Anytime my mom wants to go in and work she can because they're
so understaffed because state and county hospitals are so underfunded.
Cananopie: How about 1 billion of that defense budget goes to the worst
state in the united states in medical funds?
Cananopie: I mean schooling and proper medical care is dire in this country.
And those are things I just experience personally.