it was weird growing up around that cemetary dude
Steven Cloud: did you ever lay down on a grave?
Pijohos: what? youve never heard of when we used to play pillbox in fresh
Pijohos: we used to play army men out in the graveyard
Pijohos: and sometimes they would move people from another cemetary to
this one...reinterrment or whatever
Pijohos: and we'd pretend the graves were foxholes
Pijohos: anyways one time kevin and dereck were in one and some guy who's
father was being relocated to this grave caught them
Pijohos: and he grabbed dereck by the belt and was yelling and screaming
(this isl ike an old guy maybe 40 or 50 who knows, cant tell when you
are 10) and i ran up and pulled dereck away
Pijohos: and he fell into his fathers grave
Steven Cloud: hahaha
Pijohos: anyways i am POSITIVE i wrote about that
Pijohos: we ran away so fast
Steven Cloud: that's awesome
Pijohos: fell into his fathers fucking empty grave holy